PumaPay is a flexible app that allows you to pay and store your cryptocurrency safely. PumaPay for Android ensures the best user experience while capitalizing on the cryptocurrency value.
With PumaPay Cryptocurrency Wallet, you can:
• Open an ETH wallet or access your existing one.
• Send and receive payments in PumaPay (PMA) and Ethereum (ETH).
• Benefit from simple registration process & bank-level security
• Easily share your payment address
• Enjoy the nice & clean app design
• Forget the hassle of banks and traditional payment solutions
In the future versions of PumaPay, we will introduce the PullPayment protocol which will allow for a card-like versatility and diversity of billing practices: pay-per-use, recurring, shared, installment-based, and restricted payments. Visit PumaPay website for more details.
mportant notice :round_pushpin: After updating to the new version you will be required to restore your private key using the 12-word mnemonic phrase.
In case you did not store your 12 words phrase, or don’t have access to it - you will not be able to access your current PumaPay wallet. You may consider transferring your funds from your PumaPay wallet to another wallet of yours, to which you have access.
Once you update the PumaPay app, you should create a new PumaPay wallet and transfer the funds back to the new PumaPay updated wallet.
Please note: It is your sole responsibility to keep the 12-word seed phrase of the wallet in a safe place, in order for you to be able to access it in the future in case you will be required to restore the Private key again.
PumaPay是一个灵活的应用程序,允许您安全地支付和存储您的加密货币。 PumaPay for Android可确保最佳用户体验,同时充分利用加密货币价值。
使用PumaPay Cryptocurrency Wallet,您可以:
如果您没有存储12个单词的短语,或者无法访问它 - 您将无法访问当前的PumaPay钱包。您可以考虑将您的资金从您的PumaPay钱包转移到您有权访问的另一个钱包。